Over the past few weeks two unique pieces of art have appeared on the backsides of two downtown Henderson KY buildings.
The first art was noticed about two weeks ago on the backside parapet of the Hometown Variety Store on 2nd Street in Henderson KY. The unknown artist created a rather large interpretation of a Shark using a blue and yellow color scheme.
The second was noticed on the third floor rear fire escape door of the Citi-Center Office Building. The spray paint art appears to be that of an Octopus and having the same color scheme as the shark.
I spoke to Julie Turnipseed, Executive Director of the Downtown Henderson Project, (8/29/09 at 11:00 am) and she was unaware of their existence.
This artist has talent.
What are these public works of art all about?
Have you seen this artist work in other locations?
(I am in no way approving of this display of art, it looks like graffiti. I just find the theme and quality of interesting in our downtown. It is my desire that the artist can find something constructive to do with this enormous talent.)
Wow–this artist took some time to create his/her art! Wonder when that happened?
Another one has been spotted around the Wilkerson buildings high in the sky– A Crab! Check it out!