Today (January 16, 2010) is my one and only nephew River Thomas Priest, 13th birthday.
Happy Birthday River and welcome to pre-adulthood (aka teen-ager). Yes, I have a niece –Sister Kally-and more on her later.
I can’t begin to describe what a blessing this special boy (now a teenager) continues to be. He’s a sweet, compassionate and caring kid. Although I don’t want time to fly by I can’t wait to see what he is going to do during his adulthood. He is a one of a kind blessing to others.
One of my most favorite stories I love to tell about River come from a trip that Greg and I took him and his sister Kally on Spring break 2009 to St Louis Missouri .
We were walking in the downtown area towards the St Louis Cardinals Baseball Stadium for a moment, I lost eye contact with River and looked to see what he was doing. I looked back and River and was giving money to a stranger, a homeless beggar. He did it totally on his own. Not asking permission, not telling what he was doing- he just did it!
What an altruistic act for a then 12 year old. He is just like that. He gave without thinking. He didn’t try to reason in his mind before the giving act- what was the beggar was going to do with these coins- he just gave because he felt the man’s need. River has a spirit we all need to have!
Many times in my life I have often used the excuse before giving to someone “They are just going to buy more alcohol or drugs with that money” and I did not give. I have learned (thanks Pastor Tim) we have to give unconditionally. Thanks River for showing us all that too!
Today’s Grace for the Moment sends me to Galatians 6:4 “Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that.” River is on to doing just that. God never prefabs or mass-produces people. He makes all things new. God didn’t hand you (River) your family’s bag or your parent’s life; he personally and deliberately packed YOU! So make a deliberate exploration of who you are and the work you have been given and sink yourself into doing just that!
Lori and Neal (my one and only brother) have done a great job raising a special young man River Thomas Priest!
I love you River!
Uncle Nibby
Happy Birthday, River! What a great favorite story!
OH, and I totally forgot to mention that today is also my mom's birthday!
And January 16th is my mom's birthday, too!
Oh, and I totally forgot to mention… Happy birthday River and Becky's mom!