Updated 04/24/2012, 6/25/2012
I volunteer at the Henderson County Public Library by giving a class called Twitter Basics.
A common question is: “Who should we follow on Twitter that live/work in Henderson KY?” I have created a Twitter List of several and have explained some of the accounts on the list below.
Favorite Organizations and Businesses
Tourhendersonky-Tourism Office
DHPHenderson-Downtown Henderson Project
HendersonArts-Henderson Area Arts Alliance (Fine Arts Center Programs)
Hendersoncc Henderson Community College
HendersonSchool Henderson County School District (new 1/2012)
HendersonKY Official City of Henderson KY Government (new 1/2012)
Memoriespandp-Memories Past and Present (a unique Antique Gift shop in downtown)
860WSON-Henderson Radio 860 AM or 96.5 FM
TheGleanerNews-Gleaner Newspaper
RubyMoonWinery-Winery in Henderson KY
VaughnInsurance-Vaughn Insurance Agency Co.
Unfortunately, our County government along with the Hospital do not have Twitter accounts. It would be nice if the public library did too. (This is as of 04/24/2012-please update me if these change).
Favorite People
Beckydurham-Youth/Children’s Pastor at The Presbyterian Church of Henderson
Djhein70-Retired but really not school speech pathology person and she is funny too
JoeyDDavenport– A local stockbroker that gives some great morning motivational tweets
CamGlover-Writer for the Henderson KY Newspaper the Gleaner
DarrinPhegley-Photographer for Henderson KY Newspaper the Gleaner
toddlinn-Pastor of First Baptist Church
Leethebarber-Local barber in Henderson KY
Johnlmathias-Advocate for those with disabilities in Henderson KY
KeeganODaniel-Director of Transportation Henderson County Schools
kathyjacksonky-Kathy Jackson local real estate agent
Now some of you dear twitter friends are probably saying, “Why am I not on the list?”. Well this is a listing of Henderson KY Twitter Accounts. Be sure to see the online real-time listing my Henderson KY related twitter accounts.
Here is a great handout called “Mom, This is How Twitter Works” that we used in class. Thank you Susie Thurman for sharing this with us all.
Who are some Twitter accounts in Henderson KY that I should be following?
(original post 10/27/2011)
I think you should have put http://www.Twitter.com/nibbyp 1st- Because You are Mr. Henderson for lots of us foreigners! Great post tweetheart