Well, that is what I was told by a close family member <mother> recently. I don’t know if it was meant to be glamorous or not but whatever the case might be it is something to think about.
Pure intellectual abilities have always been important to me in my life not only from a personal perspective but in a way that I want to surround myself with people who are smart and intellectual. I have always been easily impressed with people who have a true and pure intellect.
I was so fortunate to grow up around two smart guys. One now is a OB/GYN doctor, and the other is a preacher turned high school administrator.
One successful insurance agent in Henderson Kentucky spoke a few years ago at a Chamber function and one particular comment that he made really stuck with me was “I’ve always hired people who are smarter than me”. When he said that I had a hard grasping the concept, but now I finally have. When you surround yourself with smart people it rubs off!
I don’t consider myself smart or intellectual, but I do like to read and research and learn new concepts ideas and ways of thinking (just ask me about WordPress.org). This weekend there was a Trivia contest sponsored by the Henderson Rotary Club. Greg and I were invited to attend and participate and the first thing that I asked is “can I bring my smart phone and Google?” The answer was no.
It was interesting to find out that the team that won the local Trivia Contest was State Farm Insurance Agent Anne Thrasher Boyd’s Office. I do think they appreciated the help from Anne’s friend Dr. Marcia Cave. It’s amazing what happens when you surround yourself with SMART people!
Who are some smart/intellectual people whom you surround yourself with?
Are they helping and encouraging you to be the “Best You, You Can Be?”
If not keep looking, they are out there!
Great post Nibby. I learned this philosophy many years ago from Russell Grace. He was my boss in my you 20’s and I consider him the best mentor and teacher I have ever had. He encouraged us to grow and learn and teach others. He told me when I hired my first assistant that I needed to teach her everything I knew so she could take over my job. Otherwise, I couldn’t move on to be promoted. As I grew in my career and began managing people I found that the smarter my staff was the smarter I looked and the more I learned.
For me it is also important to surround myself with positive people, and I find that these two attributes usually go hand-in-hand. I am pushed everyday to keep the learning going to keep up with the world and those around me that are so very informed.
Thank you so much Pat! It was from the heart this morning. Smart people like you have really been a blessing to me in the past 3 years. My Twitter friends have helped make me a NEW Nibby!
What a great post! Finding friends who know more than I do has taught me so much. Especially when they are caring, wonderful people.
@MaryBiever you are one of those smart people I have decided to surround myself with! Thanks for being just that!
I’m a smart person from a family of smart people. I majored in philosophy in college…not all that useful, but really fun and luxurious to spend four years thinking about what dead guys had thought.
Unfortunately, many smart people use their learning as a weapon to make others feel small or stupid. IMHO kindness trumps ‘smart’ness every time.
Great post! I’ve been fortunate to be surrounded by some folks who are much smarter than I am… 🙂 (especially my wife)
Thank you Justin for the visit!