Well today we celebrate one month for the Insurance Agency being on AMS 360. We are doing quite well. It is hard to believe that we used one piece of software AMS AfW for over 12 years!
Wow! Those people at the AGENA Corporation back in 1991 when they introduced AfW didn’t realize what a incredible product they were creating was.
Our training was done completely online with webinars. First time I have ever done a training like that. It went well and I would recommend to others. We saved tons of money by doing training this way.
Everyone seems to be doing fine. We need to get our form letters cleaned up and we have a lot of information that needs to be completed for our Companies and Vendors. We intend on decommission our intranet since most of the information on that internal site can be kept in AMS 360.
I look for other agents who are going through this migration experience.
The biggest key to remember when you go through this is that this software is NOT AMS AfW!
(I haven’t been blogging lately since I have had a hard time with formatting of my blogs. I am using today Windows Live Blog Writer. I am impressed with its functionalability)
Great post on migrating to, training on and using AMS360. I know from reading past twitters that you did a lot of planning and training prior to going live. These are the key to anyone changing or implementing any new system, procedure or process. Congrats on such a good job.
So Nibby, did you do Ready, Set, Go?
Yes we did use Ready, Set, Go! We liked it!
Well said. I loved the comment- remember this is not AMS Afw!
It is really great software. Thanks for sharing your experience.