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Twice a year we have to go through the process of syncing all our clocks for the time change. Fortunately several of my clocks adjust automatically to the time change.
The “time change” messes with my body and my sleeping and waking schedule. The goal each evening for me is to be in the bed reading by 8:30 pm and rising by 4:00. The first week after the time change regardless if it is Spring or Fall time change I feel out of routine.
The Daylight Savings time change was created in 1895 to save energy and more give farmers more daylight. According to the video poses a question with me. Do we really need to continue doing this? I agree with this video’s producers that it might be a practice that we need to eliminate.
It’s time to make a push to our government to stop this practice of changing time twice a year.
Should we encourage the elimination of the twice year fall back and spring forward of our clocks?