That was the question that I posed to the children yesterday morning during our children’s moment portion of worship. Some were going to be Spiderman others are going as mermaids and told me they are going as a friendly ghost.
I really wanted to dress up today but didn’t get the outfit organized. My character for the day is Little Jimmy Dickens. He is the 90-years young iconic star of the Grand Old Opry. Little Jimmy and I are both short guys. Little Jimmy is 4-foot 11 inches. I’m taller than that thank goodness. He is shorter than Dolly Parton (she is 5’4”). He appears on the Opry about every Friday and Saturday nights. He wears sequined studded cowboy outfits and sings the same songs and tells the same jokes every single show. This weekend I couldn’t get enough of the song “May The Bird of Paradise Fly Up Your Nose” off my mind. That was his number one hit song in 1965.
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Halloween is one day out of the year we set aside to be something we are not- intentionally. When we dress up and be something we are not we do it for many reasons. Sometimes it is to draw attention and other times it is just to get a laugh. Halloween is becoming one of the biggest celebrations of the year in the United States.
What about the rest of the year? Do we still wear and be our Halloween characters? Do we wear our Halloween costumes during the Christmas season?
We are only one person. Nobody is like us, and the one and only person whom God creates us to be. We are not somebody we want to be or someone we envy. I want to look like the body builder at the gym. Oh I want the house or car somebody else has. Oh that person has a dream job-I want that. All the wants, and envy in life allows us to wear our Halloween masks and costumes year round. They all create a mask and not allowing us to “be the me that God created us to be.”
Here are a few ways that I am working to remove my Halloween Mask and Costume all other 364 days of the year and “be the me that God created me to be.”
- Always show Love– even to those that are un-loveable and don’t love you back.
- Give Grace every opportunity that I have. Even when I feel like that I am 100% correct.
- Show Kindness every opportunity that I have. Little Jimmy closes every portion of his show thanking the audience for their kindness.
What are some ways that help you remove your mask and costumes the other 364 days of the year?
What a good message to past on to children that we always are to be no less than who we were created to be! Even with the fun of Halloween . . .
Thanks for your comment Elizabeth. It seemed to be a nice hit for the kids during children’s moment.