UPDATE August 10, 2011: Visitors who bring their laptops to the Henderson riverfront may now access a free Wi-Fi Internet connection. Users can go to the Firefly network in their Wi-Fi settings and connect. Free access is limited to two hours in each 24 hour time period. The Wi-Fi project is made possible by the Downtown Henderson Project, City of Henderson, Henderson Municipal Power and Light, and Methodist Hospital. Please note that this is only a 2 mbps/512kbps connection (free) and you will be enticed to purchase for a hefty fee higher bandwidths and longer online times.
Original Post 5/23/2010:
Do you know where free open WI-FI (wireless internet) is in Henderson KY?
The Downtown Henderson Project has tried for several years to get free WI-FI blanketed throughout the entire downtown Henderson KY community-but have not been able to do so. They are still trying to make this happen.
In the meantime, here are some places that are known to have open and free WI-FI:
What are other places you might know of? Please comment!
Methodist Hospital.
This would be a postive economic boost for the downtown area. Meraki has a system that is relatively inexpensive to purchase (City of Madisonville purchased theirs for about $6,500)that includes three antenaes and covers about 12 square blocks. If you can get someone to donate the bandwidth, like the agreement the City of Madisonville has with Newwave Communications, there is no monthly cost for operations. If you didn't work out a similar agreement, then monthly cost would be dependent upon amount of bandwidth you would wish to make available to users.
Dairy Queen in Henderson now has free WiFi. They also have 2 new HDTV's in the dining room. Now I can surf the Net while I have a Blizzard.